The Exposition of the Bible is a cross-link between "The Oxford English-Hebrew Dictionary" (OEHD) and "The Bible". The link is because the facts we need most are coming from the Bible, which has become the hub of many claims chiefly, "Hebrew". What was Hebraic in The OEHD became an issue because what it presented as Hebrew did not represent Hebrew. It is difficult to write a Hebrew dictionary without clear Hebrew alphabets. A Hebrew dictionary for Hebrew readers and learners should contain clear Hebrew letters. Many dictionaries pose difficulties to their users who may not know how the words were formed or adopted. A dictionary being a collection of letters or words should inform the user of the letters, so that he can learn to shape his knowledge, which comes first before developing it further. If a user does not know what a particular letter stands for or its role in a word, it can mislead. One need not be a literary linguist to notice this in some languages. A look at some etymologies that put many letters, consonants, vowels and double consonants after each other; for example, oo; ghgh, shsh, ou.., reveal their inexplicability from start to finish. Wherever people concoct letters to form words or names (person, place or thing), it is spirit that vibrates (Jen.1:3; John 6:63) and to know the meaning of such spirit or word is important as it may be used in conducting covenants, sanctions or Treaties. When anyone claims an existing letter or name, we check his credence, susceptibility and sustainability of it; Hebrew for claim is not the same as belonging, is it?
It is not at all hidden that every language has ample bias and little admiration for another. Let us consider the first celestial union on earth which is in language between mother and child. Is the first cry of a baby: U-w-a-a! U-w-a-a!! U-w-a-a: a lesser expression of its feeling of the world? If one does not know what "u-w-a-a" means, he misunderstands the baby. Some people misjudge this cry but the baby was saying something: "U-w-a-a!" means "this world". This cry marks the beginning of animation or the baby is abnormal but why this cry? Did it cry while in its mother's womb? It enjoyed a private heaven while in the womb. Coming to the open-world is frightening; very open that it easily leads astray. This has been as obvious as providing us a passage into this work. Everyone cries u-w-a-a but everyone has not been able to grow to manage this open-world. The time has come for us to reassess what happened so that we might get it right. The baby's cry alerts its mother, who says: "my child" (Nwam); soon, the pain of labour ebbs. The response by the Midwife is: "welcome"; and we welcome you to the New Era, which springs from this work. What a language expresses is its experience. Racking head to interpret differs from direct expression. Unlike interpreting fiction, which may yield nothing, a successful interpretation of non-fiction gives rise to something which is checkable; e.g., covenant prohibiting evil or killing; covenant promoting justice, peace and orderliness.
To expose is to reveal, disclose, unveil or open. "The Exposition of the Bible" is a discreet examination, correction, challenge and assurance to the new era to get it right. Old things have passed away but not forgotten but soled and welded with time. Who shall live the new must be informed and forewarned of the danger of indirect living. This type of exposition is rare and why it is happening now must be for a reason. We will start with a short survey to enable you decide whether you shall benefit from this book or not.
Table Of Content
- Welcome/Introduction i
- Readers' Expectation xv
- How was the book written & published? xx
- The Mind xxi
- Author’s Expectation xxii
- The End Mystery: Does God exit? xxiii
- About the book xxiv
- Collaborated Evidence xxxv
- Outstanding Evidence
- Chapter 1 - Languages,Etymologies,Ethnologies and Definitions (LEED)
- Origin of Igbo/Hebrew language ...p25
- History of the Name of Chi (God) ....p28
- Justification of the work ....p31
- The Priceless Promised Land .....p32
- Establishing the Hebrew Origin .....p34
- Exodus: Divine Intervention (1445BC) .....p35
- Captivity 722 and 586 BC .....p36
- Judaism/Christianity: People of the Book .....p37
- New Breed: Israel.....p38
- Human Race .....p39
- Israel: Post-Emancipation (437BC) .....p40
- Israel: Post-Diaspora (1948) .....p41
- Authority .....p41
- God & gods 42
- The Dredging Rain & Golden rule.....p44
- Monism, Evolutionism & Theodicy (MET) .....p44
- Egg shell .....p45
- Gathering momentum .....p47
- The Fate of the Temple .....p48
- Why I like Chiukwu (Almighty God) .....p49
- Chapter 2 - Inter-Generational Equity:A Quick Review of Jenesisi (Genesis) 51
- The Peoples of Eden 58
- Proving Adam 59
- What is Sacrifice, How did it start? 60
- The Power of the Priest of God 62
- What is Labour? 64
- Consequences of Incitement: Serpent 66
- Consequences of Disobedience: Woman 67
- Godliness & Humanism 68
- Consequences of Disobedience: Man 69
- First Son 70
- New Life 74
- Freewill & Judgment 76
- Nomenclature: an Ethnological Approach 76
- Did Man Alter Date? 79
- Dangerous Assignment 80
- Patience is a Virtue 81
- Certainty of Assurance 81
- Constancy of the Nature and form of God 81
- Helpless Life in the Ark 82
- Why is Inheritance an Issue? 83
- Will there be Armageddon? 84
- Review of Drunken Noah's Curse of Ham 85
- The Isles of the Jentiles 86
- Silent genealogy 86
- Egypt, like the Garden of the Lord (Eden) 87
- Manifestation of Wickedness 87
- Abraham and God 87
- Why did God Respect Abraham? 88
- Abraham and Halal Meat 89
- Melchizedek: A Man with Two Titles 90
- Igbo and Edo Pedigrees (Comfort of Afrika) 96
- The State: Making and Disorganising 99
- Colonialism Confuses and Distorts Roots 100
- The Legacy 103
- Existence of Evil 103
- Family, Community & Groups 104
- Personal God 107
- The Land of Kana 108
- Peace & Blessing 111
- Happy Death 111
- Sin & Land 112
- At the Peak of One's Desire 112
- Self-Possession & Discontentment 113
- Revelation or Prophecy 114
- Was Ishmael Truly Wild? 115
- Angels 115
- Covenant for spiritual and physical well-being 115
- Promised Child 117
- Receptibility 117
- The Hand of God 118
- Unfriendly Relationship 118
- Bigamy (Pros and Cons) 119
- The End of Bigamy Law 129
- Inaccurate Reporting (1) 131
- The League or Confederacy 132
- No More Jealousy or Imitation 132
- Has God a Name, is God his Name? 133
- Is it Marital Age or Purpose? 134
- World Order (The Rolling Stone) 134
- Traditional Marriage 134
- Reinvention of Family Orderliness 135
- Land Negotiation 135
- Beyond Suspicion (Eliezer) 137
- Ishmael: The Deprived of Custom 142
- Fortune Telling 143
- Inaccurate Reporting (2) 145
- Ishmael Married Customarily 146
- Difficult Relationship 147
- Stranger 147
- Fear and Guilty Conscience 148
- Land Purchase 149
- Hallucination 149
- Heavy Heart and Estoppel 150
- What is Idolatry? 151
- Occultism and Spiritism 152
- False Travail: Causation 153
- Immorality: Father and Son Climbing one Woman 154
- Mind of God 154
- Money can Exchange Anything 155
- Mischief & Discontentment 156
- Family Foe 157
- Joseph Marries an Egyptian Princess 158
- Can a Hungry Person Truly Worship God? 159
- Food for Thought 161
- Reasonable Endeavour 162
- Was Israel Idolatrous? 162
- Sin Distorts Life 164
- Divorce and Child Care 165
- Abduction (False Pilgrim) 167
- Family Support 168
- Where do Family and Child Laws Belong? 169
- The Custom of Marriage Explained 171
- Why do we Need Custom? 173
- What are the Likes of the Name of God 173
- Chi-Embedment 176
- Chapter 3 - Moses' Testament in Principle: Who was saved to Serve God!
- False Ownership is Deceit 189
- Heartfelt Expression 189
- Point of Direction 190
- Murmuring Destroyed Israel's Faith in God 190
- Ingratitude: Paying Good with Evil 191
- War Discomforts 192
- Jethro, the Priest 192
- Defining Idolatry 193
- Lie /Fib 194
- Angel (Heaven and Earth) 194
- Conduct: Beware 195
- Joshua: Moses' First Minister Takes Over 198
- Joshua Covenants with Israel 200
- Well of Life 201
- Difference Between God & Man 201
- Climate Thickening 202
- Quantum Spiritual 204
- Injustice Breeds Fear 205
- Promiscuity/Whoredom 205
- Ruth (Intro): Moabite: Mother of Obed: 206
- Breach Shuts the Doors of Favours 207
- Prophet by Figuration 208
- Faith and Applied Faith 209
- Does an Idolater Respect God? 210
- Comparisons Between King Saul and King David 211
- The Mood of God 214
- Was Israel Better with Earthly King? 215
- Silent - Free Election 216
- Abuse of Power 216
- God has Remedy 217
- Trouble will Come When it will Come 218
- Is it God or Woman for Man? 219
- Impropriety of Power 220
- The Bride of the Lord 220
- The Future of Hebrew 221
- Suicide 224
- Chapter 4 - Spiral Learning: No Excuse for Worshipping Idols
- To be like God 226
- Chi-Gideon, Chi-Jephthah 227
- Can Idol Enforce Covenant? 228
- Custom Suffices for the Faithful 229
- Ruth Boaz 232
- Vow to Serve at the Table of the Lord 234
- The Call of Samuel 238
- Lucifer: the Fallen Angel (When & How did we Fell?) 239
- Is Saul also Amongst the Prophets? 241
- Son of God or Son of the Holy Spirit? 243
- May God be with You! 245
- Israel Demands a King 246
- Gentlemen Agreement 247
- Debilitating & Worrying Threats in Israel 247
- Israel Cracks Up 250
- Chapter 5 - Third World Plagues: The Avoidable Scandal
- More than Born-Again is Needed 257
- Beware of Spiders 258
- Commonwealth or Partnership? 259
- A Day with Pakistan 260
- Requisitions 267
- China and India Emerging-Power Tussle? 268
- Friendship Born out of Necessity 269
- Radio without Battery 271
- Samuel's Legacy 273
- Giants Goliath and Saul vs David 273
- Bona Fide Friendship 274
- The Spirit of Purpose 275
- The Rejection of Saul 275
- Incarnation: Spiritual Cycle 277
- Chapter 6 - Spiritual Elevation: An Equitable Indictment
- What is it for God to be with You? 278
- God be with You 279
- Heaven on Earth 280
- Can a Community or Nation Worship God? 281
- Economic Asylum Seeking 286
- What Constitutes Traditional Burial Custom? 288
- Who Benefited from the History of Israel? 289
- Is God a Friend or an Enemy you live or die for? 290
- Fulfilling Marriage 292
- The Curses of Marriage 294
- Chapter 7 - The History of Israel, who determined it?
- Doubt Destroyed Israel 305
- Aramaean 306
- The Jews Arrived in Israel 306
- How may the History of Israel help others? 306
- What is better, to follow Religion or God? 308
- The use of Ephod 315
- Retreat 317
- Companion 317
- Chapter 8 - The Effects and Consequences of Bad leaders on Israel
- David and Gibeon 325
- The Testimonies of David 325
- King David's Last Straw 326
- King Solomon 327
- The Fate of Joab (Captain of the Host of King David) 328
- The Ark of Covenant 328
- Solomon's Legacy 330
- The Fall of King Solomon 330
- King Solomon's Wives and Children 332
Anything not testable of the Bible is Fiction or obsolete 334
- King Solomon & Queen Sheba 335
- King Solomon's Golden Age 336
- Beware of Solomon's Unreasonableness 337
- Who was Queen Sheba? 337
- Who was Rehoboam? 338
- King Solomon's Unknown Problem 340
- Rehoboam's Legacy 343
- Israel's Inter Tribal Wars 343
- The Conquest of Israel 344
- The Jews: How did Israel or Everyone become Jewish? 345
- Israel without God 348
- Chronicles or Chronology of Events 350
- Hebrew Psyche 351
- How did Jacob Resemble Abraham? 363
- Prejudice and Misfortune 364
- Chapter 9 - Acts of the Prophets
- Elijah (Proving God) 367
- Re-orientation or Re-invention of Israel 369
- Execution of the Prophecies 369
- Elisha Inherits Elijah 370
- Prophet Elisha's Miracles 371
- The Death of the Prophet 374
- Prophet Isaiah 375
- Listen to his Story 384
- Prophet Jeremiah 388
- Beginning of Jeremiah's Call 388
- The Sins of Israel 390
- Change 442
- Prophet Ezekireh (Ezekiel) 443
- Understanding Prophet Ezekireh 461
- Who wants to become a Prophet? 462
- Prophet v Teacher 464
- Chapter 10 - Post-emancipation: the Birth of Judaism
- Acts of the Priest: Ezra 473
- Opposition to the New Temple 478
- Acts of Administration: Nehemiah 482
- The Acts of the People 486
- King Ahasuerus/Mordecai & Esther/Cyrus 486
- Daniel 488
- The Maccabees 492
- The Helenisation 495
- The Antiochus Dynasty (Edom against Israel) 496
- The Maccabees & Helenisation 498
- Post-emancipation: a Revisit 503
- Chapter 11 - The Gospel: A Revisit
- Jesus: Take Covenant of Bread & Wine Home 512
- Self-Offering 519
- What did we learn from Jesus? 521
- Delegated Responsibility 521
- What is Wickedness? 522
- Leave the Dead to Bury the Dead 522
- The Sacrifices made by Jesus 523
- Did Jesus Impact on you? 524
- The Living Sand 525
- Did Jesus Perfect the Laws and Prophecies? 528
- Born Again (BA) 529
- Abrogating Born Again (ABA) 530
- Personal Limitation 531
- Did we Misunderstand Jesus? 531
- Is the Cross a Sign or Symbol of Salvation? 533
- Is Jesus a King? 534
- Comparisons of Pilate with Festus 535
- The Second Coming 537
- Personal Encounter 538
- The Forgotten Legacy 541
- The Evils of Foreign Religions 543
- Avowal passion for Israel (Pax Israel) 543
- Chapter 12 - Acts of the Apostles
- Life-after-death: Post-Resurrection 547
- Roman Empire and Christianity 549
- Empty Temple 550
- Dealing with Neighbours 552
- Where does Man stand in Love? 553
- Chapter 13 - The New Covenant
- When the Time Sets 568
- Self-deliverance 572
- Living Alone 574
- Silent Education 575
- Proving God 576
- Path to Metaphysics 576
- Capital Punishment 577
- Chapter 14 - The New era
- Reporting 579
- Abuse 580
- What did you do with the Spirit of God in you? 582
- The Choice of Jesus as King of Peace 585
- Temple Administration 587
- Roman and German Citadels 588
- Technological Disaster 592
- Young People's Social Extravagance 592
- Metaphysical life journey 593
- Learn to Care and Service Life 595
- Death or Rest 596
- Evasion of Justice 598
- Managing your Charity 605
- Negostic Virus 607
- Palm Oil 607
- Is it Sin or Sickness? 607
- Bible Reading 608
- Abuse of Office 610
- Pluralism 610
- Second Encounter 611
- Nuclear, Armed World & Peace 612
- Who is Superior or the Greatest? 613
- The Appeal 614
- I will have Mercy but not Forget 615
- Passionate Feeling 616
- Letting Down your Friend 619
- Deliverance 620
- Healing 621
- Custom A Revisit 622
- Hobby 623
- Departmentalizing the Faculties of Life 624
- Greed & Waste 625
- Goodwill 627
- Pray or Protest? 627
- Covenant - A Revisit 628
- Beauty is in the Heart that knows Love 632
- Professional Decay 632
- The Collapse 634
- Sexual Compounding 635
- Is Sex a Culture? 635
- Absent-Mindedness 637
- Learning to treat nothing as Nothing 637
- Lip Service 640
- The Tragedy of the Unborn 641
- Disspatory Life Style 645
- Setting Aside Work for Pray 647
- Abuse of Prophet Muhammad 649
- Esoterism & Exoterism 651
- Biblical Epistology 652
- Temple Worship 654
- What is Dream, Prophecy or Telepathy? 655
- Labourers on Earth in Time for Judgment 656
- The Unlearning World 658
- Purpose and Work 658
- Nationalism and Purpose 660
- Capitalism and Nationalism 662
- Distraction 664
- A Bird that nests in your Garden 666
- Set-up 668
- Public Figure 670
- Cripple 671
- National Disaster 672
- Hatred/Wickedness 673
- Who should Practice Love? 674
- Who should Practice Hatred? 674
- How does one Practise Love? 677
- How does One Measure Love? 678
- Does Love End? 679
- Family and Nation 679
- Time for Change 680
- Weed-off 680
- End of Barbarism and Gang Warfare 681
- Anxiety and Death 682
- Chapter 15 - Conclusion
Tables 684
- Appendices
- 1, Genealogies (table) 698
- 2, Kings (table) 700
- Food for thought (appendix) 702
- Index 785
- I bought this book entitled "The Exposition Of The Bible" via a recommendation from a mutual friend.
It was a very inspiring read indeed. chapter one was introductory and a bit continuous. However, I was completely flabbergasted by chapter two and subsequent chapters. They were truly revolutionary and eye opening.
If you are a Christian this is the perfect bed side companion. There is just so much more out there a lot of us are not aware of. This book is a revelation indeed.
- The Exposition Of The Bible
- 2020-11-08 19:01:50

Fabian N. Ukaegbu was born in Eastern Nigeria. He received his basic education there before travelling to the United Kingdom for further education. He qualified in Marketing, Management, Accountancy and International Relations/Diplomacy. He worked for six and the half years as a Consular Officer in the Nigeria High Commission in London and has worked also as a finance officer for 14 years with the London Borough of Hackney.
He is a prolific writer as indicated by the titles below